Teeth Whitening

Teeth Whitening

In Palm Beach County


Teeth Whitening

Tooth Extractions

Dental Contouring

Cosmetic Dentist

Dental Cleaning and Exams

Dental Crowns

Root Canal Therapy

Dental Bonding

Before & After

Dental Implants

Dental Bridges

Mouth Guards

Laser Assisted Regeneration

Teeth Whitening Near You

If you are looking to transform your smile, in-office teeth whitening can provide results that are visible immediately. Our team, at Habashy Dental, takes great precautions to ensure every teeth whitening session is done safely and effectively.

You'll be able to witness a remarkable transformation as your smile brightens by up to eight shades in just one appointment. Dive into the details below to learn more about this effective and efficient treatment.

Benefits of Professional Teeth Whitening

Faster results

The safest form of bleaching

Gum and tooth sensitivity prevention


What Does the Procedure Involve?

The following steps are free from pain and discomfort:

  1. Your dentist near you will insert a cheek retractor into the mouth, exposing all the teeth that are visible when you smile known as the “esthetic zone teeth.”
  2. They will paint a hardening resin onto your gum tissue or a liquid rubber dam. This protects them from irritation caused by the bleaching gel.
  3. Next, a bleaching gel that contains hydrogen peroxide is applied to your teeth and kept on for approximately 15 to 30 minutes.
  4. The bleaching gel on your teeth is then suctioned or washed off and reapplied for a period of 15 to 30 minutes.
  5. A light unit may be used to activate the bleaching gel.
  6. Your dentist will check your teeth between applications to determine how well they have whitened and whether more bleach is required.
  7. Lastly, the cheek retractors are removed after the final gel application, and you will rinse your mouth.

Teeth Whitening Near You

We offer teeth whitening in Palm Beach Gardens, Lake Worth, and Westlake, FL. Contact us to schedule your appointment today!

Our Dental Services

Dental Implants

Teeth Whitening

Root Canal Therapy


Dental Cleaning

Porcelain Veneers

Tooth Extractions

Dental Crowns

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